Knit Your Way to Calm: Stress Awareness Month Special Edition Newslettert

We are embracing Stress Awareness Month, filled with knitting themed ideas, and practices.

April is Stress Awareness Month.

At Heatherly Stitch, stress management is something I am working on all the time, I run 2 companies, I’m a spouse, a parent, oh and a farmer, and creative. I burn the wick at both ends, always. Throughout the Month of April, I’m going to take a deep dive into Stress Awareness Month, and hopefully, together, we can all breathe a little easier. I am really hoping I learn something new about reducing stress.

Here’s the brief History of Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month is observed annually in April to raise awareness about stress's causes and consequences and promote effective coping strategies. The initiative began in 1992 when the Health Resource Network (HRN), a non-profit health education organization in the United States, launched Stress Awareness Month as a national public awareness campaign.

Stress Awareness Month aims to inform people about the dangers of stress, debunk myths and misconceptions about stress, and help individuals and organizations develop successful stress management techniques. Throughout the month, various activities, events, and resources are made available by healthcare professionals, organizations, and communities to promote stress education and provide support to those dealing with stress. It’s always so important that if you feel you help with your stress load, you reach out to someone.

Over the years, Stress Awareness Month has gained recognition and momentum, with the aim at spreading stress awareness and encouraging effective stress management practices. We hope that in this article, we can share some inspiration, and maybe encourage someone to try hobby to help encourage stress relief.

The Connection Between Knitting and Crocheting and Stress Relief:

Knitting and Crocheting has long been recognized as a form of stress relief, with many people finding solace and relaxation in the repetitive and rhythmic nature of knitting.

There are so many connections between knitting/crocheting and stress relief.

  1. Mindfulness:

    We’ve talked about this before in a previous post.

    The act of knitting requires one to focus on the present moment, which encourages mindfulness. Knitters can block out distractions, quiet the mind, and alleviate stress by concentrating on the stitches. The stitches need not be complicated, just present, that’s enough.

  2. Meditation:

    The repetitive nature of knitting can induce a state similar to meditation, helping to calm the mind and release tension. The steady rhythm of knitting helps in maintaining a relaxed breathing pattern, which can further reduce stress levels.

  3. Sense of accomplishment:

    Completing a knitting project, regardless of its size or complexity, can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Nothing is more gratifying than wearing your knitted or crocheted item somewhere, and being able to say, “Thank you, I made it” This sense of achievement can boost self-esteem and overall well-being.

  4. Creativity:

    Knitting allows individuals to express their creativity. If you are overly stressed already, this is a difficult one. Excessive stress can stifle the best of creative intentions, but, that’s when you turn to a really easy project. I always have one knitting project, that requires no thinking, and one crochet project, that provides me the same. It is still creative, you are being a maker, you just don’t have to reinvent the wheel to take advantage of this component, which can be therapeutic and help to channel stress in a productive way. Engaging in a creative activity like knitting can distract from negative thoughts and promote a more positive mindset.

  5. Cognitive benefits: (I do believe this to be true, however, I would like to see more scientific studies on it…Oh and just because I believe it to be true, doesn’t make it so…this is a do your own research sort of statement)

    Knitting can help maintain and improve cognitive skills, such as memory, problem-solving, and attention. Engaging the mind in a stimulating activity like knitting can contribute to overall brain health, which may help in managing stress more effectively.

  6. Physical benefits: (I actually did a study on myself over several weeks, I monitored my blood pressure while in an excessive stress zone, ten minutes into knitting, then again after half an hour of knitting, and in fact my blood pressure did decrease, again see my above statement, as I am not a doctor)

    The act of knitting can lower heart rate and blood pressure, helping to counter the physiological effects of stress. Additionally, knitting can improve fine motor skills and dexterity.

Overall, knitting offers numerous mental, emotional, and physical benefits that can help alleviate stress and improve well-being. It serves as a productive, creative, and accessible outlet for managing stress in everyday life.

We will explore more each day as we move through April, but for now, I will leave you with one of my favourite stress-free knitting pattern and crocheting pattern suggestions. Life doesn’t always need complicated.

Knitting Pattern:

Gather up any part balls of the same weight of yarn, use a set of needles that are appropriate for your yarn selection, and make a simple striped garter stitch scarf or blanket. Cast on as many or as few stitches as you like, and just knit.

Crochet Pattern:

Same as with knitting, gather up any part balls of the same weight of yarn and use a hook that is appropriate for your yarn selection. Crochet granny squares, of whichever size your heart desires, when you have enough sew them together, to make a blanket

I hope you are enjoying a low-stress Sunday, with much love and gratitude