This Week in Knitting!

The Great AI Sweater Experiment

Oh, the tangled web we weave when curiosity gets the better of us! But fear not, fellow yarn aficionados and handcraft enthusiasts, as we embark on a thrilling journey to explore the captivating world of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its potential impact on our beloved knitting and handcraft industries.

As a yarn maker (Tangled Poets Yarn), designer, and artist, the prospect of AI advancements in the realm of knitting was too enticing to resist. So, we took the plunge into the deep end of the technological pool to discover just how far ChatGPT has come and what it may mean for our cherished craft.

As we unraveled the intricate stitches of this AI experiment, we couldn't help but ponder some bigger questions:

  • Can AI-generated knitting patterns truly capture the essence and beauty of handcrafted designs?

  • What does the fusion of technology and traditional crafts mean for the future of knitting and other handcrafts?

  • How can AI enhance our creative process and help us push the boundaries of our artistic expression?

In this riveting series of experiments, we'll delve into the exciting possibilities and challenges that AI brings to the knitting world. We'll explore the successes, the quirks, and everything in between as we navigate this uncharted territory.

As we embark on this adventure, we invite you to join us in unravelling the mysteries of AI and knitting, and discover what lies ahead in this ever-evolving world of handcrafts. Stay tuned for more experiments, more insights, and more opportunities to embrace the fusion of technology and tradition in our beloved art form.

It all started with a simple prompt

The adventure began with a seemingly straightforward request:

"Generate a top-down cardigan pattern in DK weight yarn for a 36-inch chest."

And so, our trusty ChatGPT4 set to work, eager to deliver the desired knitting pattern. At first glance, the generated design seemed to be on the right track. However, upon closer inspection of the second line, it became apparent that something was amiss. The math was wonky as all get-out, and some critical information was notably absent.

Despite the unexpected results, our journey into the realm of AI-generated knitting patterns had officially begun. This initial foray into the AI knitting world provided valuable insight into the challenges and quirks of working with AI technology in the realm of handcrafts.

As we continue to explore the potential of AI-generated knitting patterns, we'll strive to uncover the limitations and breakthroughs that come with incorporating cutting-edge technology into our beloved craft. Stay tuned for more tales of our knitting adventures with ChatGPT4, and join us as we unravel the mysteries of AI in the knitting world!

What happened

The missing elements…

Was there a neckband?

Where do I put the stitch markers?

Where did the extra stitches come from? (The pattern said to cast on 90 stitches, but the first row equalled 124 stitches)


After realizing the initial pattern wasn't quite right, I went back to ChatGPT to seek clarification on where to place the stitch markers. Our AI companion provided new instructions, but the math continued to be a bit off. We went back and forth with the AI about 5-7 times until we finally landed on a pattern that seemed workable.

Eager to see the outcome, I decided to knit the pattern as generated and document the process. If you're curious to see our progress, you can find our entertaining reels on our Instagram account @aberdeenswool

So, where does our AI knitting experiment stand now?

I'm currently at the stage of separating the sleeves and the body. After working through the initial challenges, the instructions became much clearer. The resulting sweater has a generic design, but I decided to add a touch of

This was the yarn we chose, just a bit of stash busting. It’s mostly cottons and cotton wool blends.

personal flair by incorporating stripes. Using my stash of yarn, I simply alternated colours every four rows in a random order to create a unique, stash-busting sweater.

Our AI-generated knitting pattern journey has been an enlightening experience thus far, and we're excited to see how the finished sweater turns out. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and more insights into the world of AI and knitting!

We’ve also uploaded a video to our Youtube Channel, you can find the link here.